Thursday, January 29, 2009

Thing #4

Blog language varies from informal & chatty to professional & academic. I found my attention or focus would drift missing the point of the conversation as I plowed through the many entries. Reading blogs requires a new set of skills-a set I do not have at this time but will need to develop. The main point of the blog conversations seems to shift and a few digress (makes me think of the epic form with its many voices and many digressions and many catalogs). As I create this blog, I am writing my way into meaning. What do I know or how much do I not know? A "blog literacy" is developing with a set of skills and strategies.


  1. I find it's easier to keep focused when it's more casual. The blogs that have pictures or use different fonts help too.

  2. Knowing how to skim and scan your way through lots of information to find what is really pertinent to you becomes a hugely important skill in the 21st century.
